PR for the education sector

At Prominent, we harness the power of PR and marketing to attract new students, staff and positive press attention to our partner schools and academy trusts.

Children at Pilgrims Pre Prep

Our work is designed to help educational establishments stand out from their competitors – increasing enrolment numbers, recruit new teaching staff and retaining those currently working there.

We build strong PR strategies tailored to the unique objectives and target audiences of our clients. This can include multi-channel campaigns for pupils and parents, teachers or other stakeholders, carefully crafted to deliver tangible results.

The Prominent team are well-versed in key education talking points ranging from GCSE and A Level results, Ofsted inspections and league tables to pastoral care and students’ physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Media relations

Our team includes former journalists who have worked across the national and regional sectors. Their job is to identify the key angles and messages in your story, build lasting relationships with the most important journalists in your sector and raise your profile.

That has included gaining national coverage on school partnerships such as Rossall School’s historic partnership with Manchester City Football Club, to regular regional news pieces on the John Milton Academy Trust’s schools in Suffolk.

They are also on hand to provide extensive media training for members of your team should they be requested for interview.



Our team crafts copy that is as engaging as it is informative.

From profile pieces on members of staff to in-depth opinion pieces on important subjects, we can write for all areas of your website and printed marketing materials.

We are also experienced in both writing and designing regular newsletters and school magazines, such as the John Milton Academy Trust’s regular end-of-term roundups.

Crisis communications

Our in-house journalists and PR experts are well-versed in crisis communications on both sides of the table.

Whether it is financial pressures or a damning inspection, we develop extensive crisis communications plans which ensure you are ready to react to any scenario, while protecting your reputation.

Often our clients come out in a much better position thanks to our ability to flip the narrative.

Social media

We recognise the power of social media in boosting the profile of our partner schools and in keeping parents and carers informed.

We are experienced in all social media platforms and develop unique strategies tailored to each one to maximise their potential.

The Prominent team will make sure you are always up-to-date on the latest awareness days and opportunities to showcase your great work online.

Media buying

Our advertising arm, Prominent Media, are specialists in media buying for the education sector.

We have worked with independent schools across the country to boost their profile using targeted advertising campaigns – including the Harpur Trust family of schools in Bedfordshire.

Our work with Pilgrims Pre-Preparatory School in particular has seen huge successes, with one Open Day campaign being forced to end early due to places being filled so quickly.

Find out more about our work with schools below.