Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich

The Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich began working with Prominent in 2018, requiring a full press office service, primarily focusing on crisis communications.

Eco church 3 

Prominent has provided the Diocese with our 24/7 press office service ever since, functioning as a first point of call for media enquiries – arranging interviews, providing statements and managing crisis issues on their behalf.

Since then, Prominent has broadened the services we provide for the Diocese, supporting it in promoting the wealth of incredible community work happening across its parishes.

Community engagement

The Church of England in Suffolk does amazing work throughout the county, with parish churches acting as a focal point for their communities.

From foodbanks and top-up shops to community groups and fundraising drives, Suffolk’s churches are important community hubs, particularly in rural areas of the county.

Prominent has worked to shine a light on the Diocese’s work, gaining extensive, positive coverage in the local media, and has worked on campaigns to engage with the wider community to improve and enhance its reputation.

These have included Lent and Christmas campaigns, the popular #CapturingMyFaith campaign and the Inspiring Angels campaign.

Recent coverage has included features celebrating female clergy in Suffolk, a Suffolk reverend who has held D-Day services in Normandy for the past ten years, the amazing work carried out by church top-up shops across the county and the Church of England’s move towards contactless giving and net zero.

Prominent also supported the Diocese as it carried out its role in Operation London Bridge, following the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II, assisting in organising filming by the BBC and ITV at the cathedral in Bury St Edmunds.

On top of this, Prominent has supported the Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust, helping to publicise Ofsted successes and community projects linked to schools’ local churches.

Hartest Ofsted Credit St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan MAT

Crisis communications

As with any large organisation working with a vast number of individuals, there is the potential for crisis communication issues to arise.

Ove the last six years, Prominent has expertly managed a number of media enquiries relating to reputation threats, big and small.

Our team boasts a number of journalists trained in media law who have been instrumental in helping the Diocese navigate court cases as well as potential threats from historic events.

We continue to act as a buffer for the organisation, managing the creation and issuing of statements on its behalf and carrying out media monitoring to keep abreast of any issues likely to have an impact.


“The team at Prominent have put a great deal of time and energy into understanding the Church of England in Suffolk and this has enabled them to help us develop our reputation positively.  They are quick and creative, helping us respond proactively and reactively, with messages to reach our different audiences.” - Leonie Ryle, Communications Manager of Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich