What are social media algorithms – and why are they important?


In today’s world, social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives. As marketers, we need to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms and how best to maximise each platform for our clients.

Here, our Marketing Manager Sophie explains the key factors influencing algorithms and how you can tap into their power.

What is a social media algorithm?

A social media algorithm is a set of rules used by social media platforms to determine the content that appears in users’ feeds.

These rules are based on machine learning and a set of factors called ranking signals. These are signals used to rank content based on how likely each individual user is to like and interact with it, aiming to deliver the most relevant and engaging posts.

It is therefore imperative your posts utilise the power of an algorithm – as your content could otherwise not receive the reach you hoped for.

Algorithms are unique for every person, which means no two people will have the exact same news feed as they are often based on your previous interactions with the app.

What are the key factors influencing algorithms?

  1. Engagement: Algorithms gauge how much users interact with specific content. The more likes, comments, shares and clicks a post receives, the higher its engagement rate – making it more likely to appear on other users' feeds. 
  2. Relevance: Algorithms prioritise content that aligns with a user's interests, past behaviour and engagement history. If you frequently engage with posts about food, for instance, algorithms will show you more food-related content. 
  3. Timeliness: While not all platforms operate in real-time, recent posts still hold importance. Fresh and relevant content often gets a boost in visibility. 
  4. Relationships: Algorithms consider the strength of your connections. Content from family, friends and accounts you frequently engage with tends to appear prominently. 

How do social media algorithms differ?

As marketers it is vital to understand how social media algorithms work and to adapt your strategy accordingly.

Make sure you understand each social media platform and the type of content that platform prefers.

Here’s a quick guide:


  • Audience: Widely diverse user base, suitable for both B2C and B2B.
  • Content types: Supports various content types like text, images, videos, live streams and stories.
  • Algorithm: Prioritises content from friends and family, followed by content with high engagement.
  • Engagement strategy: Focus on creating shareable and relatable content. Use Facebook groups to foster community engagement.


  • Audience: Primarily visual content consumers, appealing to younger demographics.
  • Content types: Visual-focused platform with images, videos, stories and reels.
  • Algorithm: Prioritises content based on engagement, relevance and timeliness.
  • Engagement strategy: Use high-quality visuals, leverage Instagram stories and reels and use appropriate hashtags.


  • Audience: Fast-paced platform with a diverse user base. Ideal for real-time updates and trends.
  • Content types: Limited character count, ideal for text-based updates, images and short videos.
  • Algorithm: Focuses on recency, engagement (likes, retweets, replies) and profile relevance.
  • Engagement strategy: Use trending hashtags, participate in conversations, share valuable insights and engage with influencers.


  • Audience: Professionals and B2B interactions. Well-suited for networking, job searches and industry updates.
  • Content types: Business-focused content, articles, images, videos and text updates.
  • Algorithm: Prioritises content from connections and relevant industry discussions.
  • Engagement strategy: Share industry insights, company updates and engage in thought leadership. Utilise LinkedIn Pulse for long-form content.


  • Audience: Younger audience, highly engaged in short-form, entertaining content.
  • Content types: Short videos with music, effects and trends.
  • Algorithm: Employs AI to tailor content based on user behaviour and preferences.
  • Engagement strategy: Participate in challenges, use trending music, create engaging and fun content.

If that hasn’t blown your mind already, other factors to consider in your strategies should include:

Know your audience
Understand your target audience's preferences, interests and behaviours to create content they'll engage with.

Create quality content
High-quality, valuable content is more likely to engage users. Use captivating visuals, well-written captions and relevant hashtags. Use relevant and trending hashtags to increase discoverability. Avoid overloading your posts with hashtags and aim for a balanced approach.

Focus on engagement
Encourage likes, comments, shares and clicks by asking questions, sparking discussions and sharing relatable content.

This also means you need to engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages and mentions promptly. Personal interactions foster a sense of community.

Consistency is key
Regular posting maintains your presence in users' feeds. Use social media scheduling tools to plan ahead.

Optimise posting times
Post when your audience is most active. Analyse platform insights to determine peak engagement times.

Experiment with content types
Mix up your content by sharing images, videos, stories and live broadcasts to cater to various user preferences.

Collaborate and tag
Collaborate with influencers or businesses in your industry. Tag relevant accounts in your posts to increase visibility (but remember not to overuse tags which could negatively impact credibility).

Analyse insights
Use platform analytics to track which posts perform well and learn from their success. Analysing insights will help you understand your audience better, refine your content strategy and make data-driven decisions.

Test and adapt
Social media is dynamic. Continuously test different strategies, analyse results and adapt your approach.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach, as algorithms vary by platform and change over time.

Stay informed about updates, trends and your audience's preferences.

By applying these strategies consistently and staying flexible, you'll be better equipped to maximize the benefits of social media algorithms for your brand or profile.

Need support with your social media strategy? Contact us on 01473 276126 to speak to a member of our team, or drop us a line.

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