The PR benefits of a good company culture


A good company culture should be integral to every business – after all, who wants to work somewhere they don’t feel valued? But one benefit many bosses might overlook – aside from the increased productivity and loyalty – is the way it could help your PR.

At Prominent, our company culture and values are deeply engrained and shine in everything we do. So, who better is there than a PR company to share how that can help your business?

Here, our Senior Copywriter Oliver Sullivan looks at how a good company culture can do wonders for your PR.

What goes into building a good company culture?

Before delving into how you can use your company culture to enhance your reputation – we need to understand what goes in to making sure your company culture is a good one. After all, what is the point if it’s not something agreed on by all employees?

That’s why it’s important all your staff are consulted when it comes to setting your values in stone. Listen to them and what is important to them – from there you can build a consensus on who you are as a business, what you stand for and how you’re going to achieve your mission and aims.

How can you use your company culture to enhance your PR?

Every business has a story. And that story is unique to you – even if you aren’t the only business set up at a kitchen table (*cough* that is exactly where the Prominent story began).

But a business’ story isn’t linear or a case of going from point A to point B. It is a web that involves the people you have working for you, your products and your customers.

In today’s world, consumers love brands they can relate to – or who they feel match their values. Sure, you could turn to a grey, corporate, faceless agency to work for you – or you could go for a business that is vibrant and showcases the ways it cares for its clients, community and employees.

That’s why it’s so important you reflect this in your external communications. That starts on your website but extends to social media and press releases.

But that doesn’t mean you should go about sending press releases to newspapers purely about your company culture. To put it bluntly, they wouldn’t be interested.

What it does mean is that you can showcase the way you are putting your values into action. Have your staff been out volunteering? Great! Share it. Have you made a donation to a charity? Tip top, get it out there. Has a team member reached a big milestone? Brilliant, love that for you. Have you held a teambuilding day? Maybe just keep that one to social media.

The point I’m trying to get across is that consumers care about the businesses they trade with. You can’t just talk the talk – you have to get out there and put those words into action. But equally, you don’t want to appear disingenuous and that you’re only in it for the attention.

Your company culture and values should stand proud on your website and shine through every piece of external communication you create. Nothing over the top, just a healthy sprinkle that reminds people that you genuinely practice what you preach.

In need of PR support?

If your business needs support in better showcasing what makes it special, the Prominent team are here to help.

Our team of PR specialists and former journalists know what makes a story and how best to communicate your business’ unique tale and values.

Contact us today on 01473 276126 or drop us an email to learn more about how we can support you.



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