Standing out from the crowd with authentic marketing - How does authenticity in your marketing strategy help your brand stand out?

New Creative Team

With advertising and branding under our noses everywhere we go, it is important for marketers to ensure that their brand stands out from the crowd.

Here in part two of this series on authentic marketing, Marketing Manager, Sophie Proctor, explains how brands can make an impact by using authenticity in marketing strategies.


Right now, audiences are more cynical and selective of brands than ever before. Consumers have lots of products and services accessible at their fingertips, so they have options easily available to them, and they have to decide which brands they want to give their money to.

Simply offering top quality services or products isn’t enough anymore. Neither is just spending money on SEO, Google Ads, social adverts, radio and out of home adverts so that your brand appears everywhere.

Consumers want to be able to connect with your brand and trust it. Just seeing your brand name everywhere won’t create that connection or instil that trust.

Your marketing strategy needs to play its part in convincing your audience to spend their money on your brand’s products and services, not an alternative, through strategic messaging and placement.

By focusing on brand authenticity, you can create a marketing strategy that builds a genuine connection with your target audience and that sets you apart from competitors.

When it comes to creating messaging that builds trust with your audience, boasting about how great your brand is won’t cut it. Your brand needs to demonstrate why it is great and why your audience should want to align themselves with your brand.

Consumers are doing more research into brands, such as what the company mission and values are, their ethical practices and whether they participate in sustainable practices.

They appreciate honesty and transparency from brands, such as those that are open about their practices, values and shortcomings. This transparency helps build trust and credibility and the brand is more likely to be seen as authentic.

People have a desire to make the world a better place. Consumers will give their trust and loyalty to brands that can demonstrate that value too. By seeking to make a positive impact on the world and showing that your brand is helping to solve problems, you are demonstrating your authenticity and creating long-lasting connections with your audience.

In business, trusting a brand translates to customers buying from them more often because they know they can rely on you to deliver on your promises. If you have earned their trust, they will then be more likely to purchase from you again, even though there are other options available.

Demonstrating authenticity not only builds trust with your audience but can also help to create a community. When consumers relate to your brand they start to feel a part of something bigger, which can lead to the establishment of loyal customers.

These loyal customers are then likely to recommend your products and services to others, building your brand a positive reputation through reviews.

If your brand can demonstrate authenticity through its marketing strategy, showing what your brand values, then the brand becomes more relatable to consumers – plus it saves them time doing research into your business!

If you would like support to build an authentic marketing strategy for your brand, contact me today.

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